Archived Newsletter from Dec 2018
With a special “Thank You” gift tutorial for your support throughout 2018

December 2018
Welcome to my art studio. With the end of the year fast approaching it’s high time I had a break from painting to reach out to you all. Thank you for your great support during this year.
Wherever you are in the world Richard and I send you our very special Festive Season’s Greetings and Christmas good wishes!
Life often throws challenges and hurdles in our path doesn’t it? Nevertheless, we trust that 2018 has also brought you many times of joy, happiness and fulfillment. Family, friends, the beauty of the natural world and, of course, the inspiration and challenges presented by art and creativity are often sources of such joy aren’t they?
Thank you for taking the time in your busy lives to read this Newsletter. This year I have been actively trying to set aside time for relaxing and de-stressing. lt’s a great way to be ever more motivated and productive when I am creating. I hope that you are able to find time and space to be creative and enjoy the challenges and rewards of your art.
What you will find in this 2018 newsletter:
1. A special “Thank You” gift for your support throughout 2018
2. 2019 Watercolor Workshops Information
3. An opportunity to purchase signed, numbered, limited edition offset lithograph reproductions of some of my best early floral paintings (+ one miniature!) at a very Festive price 🙂
4. A bonus offer with purchase of my art instruction DVDS and Video Downloads. This special offer is sent to those on my mailing list only. However I am happy for those on my mailing list to tell family and friends who love painting and fine art, so they can also sign up to my mailing list to take advantage of this offer.
1. A special “Thank You” gift for your support throughout 2018
At this time of year I like to say “thank you” to everyone for the support, encouragement and positive feedback I receive throughout the year. My “thank you” takes the form of a tutorial that I hope will provide insight and inspiration for you.
This year’s tutorial is about identifying areas of a painting that may look out of place or ‘muddy’. Often you may think this is due to a color that is wrong, but more often it is use of the wrong ‘color temperature’.
Click the link below to ‘unwrap’ your Festive Season “Thank You” Gift from me and all will be revealed:
2. 2019 Watercolor Workshops Information
In April this year I conducted more watercolor workshops in beautiful Maroochydore on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland, Australia. Previously I have conducted much awaited 3-day workshops there in 2013, 2015 and 2016. They have attracted artists from all round Australia, plus from NZ, the USA, Canada and China. As always, everyone had a highly enjoyable time, learning in an atmosphere of fun and sharing amongst like-minded people. I love to help artists find their wings and fly high. The difference in their painting ability between when they arrive and when they finish the workshop is what makes it so rewarding – both for them and for me. The only downside this year was that mango season had finished 🙁 We love Australian mangoes, especially when they accompany sea fresh Mooloolabah prawns from just down the road. We consoled ourselves after the workshops with a very relaxing few days on Magnetic Island, just off the coast from Townsville in tropical north Queensland.
To ensure the mangoes are in season I am looking at conducting more watercolor workshops in October 2019 🙂 I have not finalized dates yet, but if you are interested in finding out more information about the workshops please click on the link below this paragraph. Please note that the information currently below the red ‘SUBMIT’ button on that page relates to this year’s (2018) workshops, but the general information for the 2019 workshops will be very similar. If you are keen to take part in one of my workshops be sure to complete the form on the webpage to be on the priority list for workshop spaces. The spaces are generally taken up quickly so they are allocated on a first-in-first-served basis. Feel free to write a note on the form if you have any queries. The link to the ‘Workshops’ page is:
3. An opportunity to purchase signed, numbered, limited edition offset lithograph reproductions of some of my best early floral paintings (+ one miniature!) at a very Festive price 🙂
In the 1990’s, not long after I took up watercolor, I became well known for my floral paintings. Around that time I produced signed, numbered, limited edition offset lithograph prints of some of my best floral works. I also produced an ‘actual size’ lithograph of my miniature painting ‘Tempo d’Amati’. Since then I have diversified into many other painting subjects, such as figure studies, portraits, still-lifes, bird studies and my recent realist/surreal works on precious metal leaf. I have continued to release limited edition reproductions of some of my best paintings as giclée reproductions. You can find them here:
Giclées have the advantage of being printed as required, although the individual print cost is higher. Offset lithographs are printed all at one time, but the individual cost of a print tends to be lower. In the time since my offset lithograph reproductions became available a great number have sold and some of the editions are almost sold out. Therefore I thought this would be a great opportunity to offer the remainder for sale at a much reduced, attractive price for everyone on my Newsletter list.
Please view the available offset lithograph reproductions and the size and pricing details below. If you wish to order one or more of these please email Richard (, telling him the print(s) you wish to purchase and your shipping address. He will then send you a ‘payment request’ via Paypal for the appropriate amount. Don’t worry if you don’t have a Paypal account; you can just pay securely on the Paypal site with a credit card. Enjoy!
Normal Price (excluding shipping): NZ$250
2018 Newsletter Special Price (shipping included):
New Zealand: NZ$150
Australia: AUD$140
Canada: CAN$135
UK: STG£80
USA & all other countries: US$105
Normal Price (excluding shipping): NZ$350
2018 Newsletter Special Price (shipping included):
New Zealand: NZ$165
Australia: AUD$155
Canada: CAN$150
UK: STG£90
USA & all other countries: US$115
Normal Price (excluding shipping): NZ$175
2018 Newsletter Special Price (shipping included):
New Zealand: NZ$100
Australia: AUD$90
Canada: CAN$90
UK: STG£55
USA & all other countries: US$70
Normal Price (excluding shipping): NZ$250
2018 Newsletter Special Price (shipping included):
New Zealand: NZ$150
Australia: AUD$140
Canada: CAN$135
UK: STG£80
USA & all other countries: US$105
Normal Price (excluding shipping): NZ$250
2018 Newsletter Special Price (shipping included):
New Zealand: NZ$150
Australia: AUD$140
Canada: CAN$135
UK: STG£80
USA & all other countries: US$105
4. A special bonus offer with purchase of my art instruction DVDS or Video Downloads.
The success of this promotion last year has prompted me to offer it again this year, so that artists new to my mailing list can take advantage of it.
- Artists from round the world continue to enjoy learning from my watercolor instruction DVDs, with over 40,000 sold.
The DVDs are now also available as Video Downloads (playable on computers, laptops and hand-held devices such as iPads, iPhones and the Android equivalents).
Four 2-disc titles currently available, with up to 5 hours of learning in each title.
This special Festive Season promotion offers a discount on DVD or Download purchases until December 31st, 2018.
It’s simple. Have a look at the DVD/Downloads pages for each title. Decide how many you wish to purchase, then just use the following Coupon Codes on the secure shopping cart page to receive the relevant discount.
For 1 title purchased you put in the Coupon Code ONEDISCOUNTFIVE to receive a 5% discount off the DVD or Download purchase price.
For 2 titles purchased you put in the Coupon Code TWODISCOUNTTEN to receive a 10% discount off the DVDs or Downloads purchase price.
For 3 titles purchased you put in the Coupon Code THREEDISCOUNTFIFTEEN to receive a 15% discount off the DVDs or Downloads purchase price. (Note that there is FREE SHIPPING on a purchase of 3 DVDs too)
For 4 titles purchased you put in the Coupon Code FOURDISCOUNTTWENTY to receive a 20% discount off the DVDs or Downloads purchase price. (Note that there is FREE SHIPPING on a purchase of 4 DVDs too)
Please note that the discounts relate to a single shopping cart of purchases.
To visit my DVDs and Video Downloads page please click on the following link:
Free E-Album of reference photos with purchase:
With the DVDs or Video Downloads – and anything that is bought directly from my website – we are also offering a free E-Album of photographic painting subjects for you to own and use as inspiration for you – no matter what the medium. In my workshops and painting school, I can see so many struggle with finding the right image to paint. This free E-Album has beautiful images from gorgeous florals to lovely European market scenes, to birds and still life – all for you to paint at your leisure.

I take great pleasure from communicating with other artists around the world. Art is a gift that can enrich our own lives and one that we can share with others too. Make sure you find time to enjoy the relaxation, challenges and fulfillment that art can bring and be proud to share your creations and achievements as well. Art, I’m sure, can only make the world a better place 🙂
Richard and I wish you all the very best for a wonderful Festive Season and Christmas and we hope you enjoy a 2019 year full of art, fun and inspiration.
As always – Happy Painting – from Susan and Richard
DVD’s and Video Downloads
Order Susan’s highly acclaimed and popular instruction DVD sets below.
DVD: Watercolor Masterclass Volume One: “Painting Life-Like Leaves and Vibrant Greens” – for all skill levels
US$54.50 -
One-on-One Watercolor Workshops with Susan Harrison-Tustain – for all skill levels
US$54.50 -
Painting Watercolor My Way with Susan Harrison-Tustain – for all skill levels
US$54.50 -
Watercolor Portrait Workshop with Susan Harrison-Tustain – for all skill levels