by admin | Dec 29, 2018 | art lesson, Art Lessons, Downloads, DVDs, Exhibition, free art lesson, free painting lesson, how to paint downloads, how to paint DVDs, Oil Painting, painting downloads, painting DVDs, watercolor downloads, Watercolor DVDs, Watercolor Painting
THE IMPACT OF RED IN YOUR PAINTINGS Part 2 Enchante Par la Provence By Susan Harrison-Tustain HOW TO STRATEGICALLY PLACE RED IN YOUR COMPOSITION In Part 1 of this two part series, I discussed how to create glowing red mixes that dance on your page/canvas. Now I...
by admin | Jul 13, 2017 | art lesson, Art Lessons, Downloads, DVDs, free art lesson, free painting lesson, how to paint downloads, how to paint DVDs, Oil Painting, painting downloads, painting DVDs, Still Life Paintings, watercolor downloads, Watercolor DVDs, Watercolor Painting
WELCOME TO MY FREE ART LESSON: The Power of #Color This is a short series of #freepaintinglessons where you will discover invaluable, powerful insights into #painting! Today’s #lesson we will begin talking about The Power of Color. #Color of course is a...
by admin | Feb 12, 2017 | art lesson, Art Lessons, Downloads, DVDs, free art lesson, free painting lesson, how to paint downloads, how to paint DVDs, painting downloads, painting DVDs, watercolor downloads, Watercolor DVDs, Watercolor Painting
FREE ART LESSON HINTS AND TIPS: HOW TO PAINT HAIR #HOW TO #PAINT #REALISTIC #HAIR My blog posts are a great place to learn some of my invaluable #hints and #tips for #painting. Often the information I share will relate to any medium. If you would like to learn how to...
by admin | Feb 8, 2017 | art lesson, Art Lessons, Downloads, DVDs, Everything Else, Exhibition, free art lesson, free painting lesson, how to paint downloads, how to paint DVDs, Oil Painting, painting downloads, painting DVDs, watercolor downloads, Watercolor DVDs, Watercolor Painting
LEARN HOW YOU CAN FINE TUNE YOUR PAINTINGS USING THE FIVE KEY ELEMENTS When #teaching #artworkshops and on my #paintingDVDs and #downloads I find one of the most valuable #artlessons I can teach involve understanding the power of the five key elements that I believe...
by admin | Jan 22, 2017 | art lesson, Art Lessons, Downloads, DVDs, Everything Else, Exhibition, free art lesson, free painting lesson, how to paint downloads, how to paint DVDs, latest, painting downloads, painting DVDs, watercolor downloads, Watercolor DVDs
HOW TO CAPTURE THE BEAUTY AND SERENITY OF A SCENE IN WATERCOLOR Painting iS not that difficult. By far and away the most important thing is to paint something that has meaning – a work that has something to say about the subject. Take a close look at my...
by admin | Jan 18, 2017 | art lesson, Exhibition, free art lesson, free painting lesson, how to paint downloads, latest, Uncategorized, watercolor downloads, Watercolor DVDs, Watercolor Painting
Facebook Painting Challenge 6/7 #PAINTING CHALLENGE AND #FREE #PAINTINGLESSON 6th of 7 day Facebook painting challenge Hamilton #Watercolor by Susan Harrison-Tustain This is the sixth painting in my seven day challenge I have written another #freepainting #artlesson...